The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí Takes Part in the activities of “ADA, STEM Strengthening Program for Adolescent Women”

Last Friday, April 29th, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP), through the Department of Science, participated in the activities of “ADA, STEM Strengthening Program for Adolescent Women”, which is promoted by the Potosino Council of Science and Technology (COPOCYT) and whose objective is to encourage upper secondary students students to continue their studies in areas of science, techn ology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), as well as humanities, through activities and experiences offered by institutions of higher education, research centers, companies and cultural centers, in which scientific, technological and innovation knowledge is developed and applied.

On behalf of the UPSLP, three conferences were given, in virtual mode:

– “Technological tools for the integration of SMEs in global markets.”, by Patricia Castillo Galván, professor from the Department of Engineering in Industrial Systems and Technologies.
– “Challenges for women in Industry”, given by Dr. Mónica Marcela Zaldívar Muñoz, professor from the Department of Engineering in Industrial Systems and Technologies.

– “The Use of ICT in Engineering”, by Liliana Gamez Zavala, professor from the Department of Engineering Information Technology.

In addition, collaborators from the UPSLP Science Laboratory presented three videos on scientific experiments:

– “Differentiating types of currents and voltage measurement”, carried out by the Martha Lorena Hernández Ledezma.

– “Experiments in optics”, by Irma Georgina Gomez Vega.

– “Chemistry Experiments”, conducted by Susana Rivera Villalobos.

At the end of the day, Mr. Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP, recognized the commitment of COPOCYT in promoting these activities. He also highlighted the importance of the participation of women in the Areas of Science and Technology and explained that technology will continue to advance and evolve, impacting the different sectors of society. In this sense, he invited the young students to take advantage of these activities to reflect and acquire knowledge in order to discover or reinforce their vocation to study a career related to these areas and be part of their continuous progress.

It is important to mention that students in the last year of secondary education from the campuses of the General Directorate of Industrial Technological Education (DGETI), Colegio de Bachilleres de San Luis Potosí (COBACH), the College of Scientific and Technological Studies (CECYTE) and the National College of Professional Technical Education (CONALEP) participated.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí appreciates the invitation of COPOCYT to be part of the ADA Program and reaffirms its commitment to the education of young Potosi women, promoting the continuation of their higher studies in STEM areas!


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