The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí Carried out the Spring 2022 Meeting of the Tutoring Department

On Saturday, April 30th, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) held the Spring 2022 meeting of the Tutoring Department hybrid mode. It was attended by Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP; Dr. Francisco Rafael Rostro Contreras, Academic Vice-Rector; Dr. Luis Tomás Macías Rodríguez and Juana María Reyna, from the Tutoring Area; coordinators from the different degree programs and departments, as well as full-time and part-time faculty.

In his speech, Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas highlighted the importance of the Tutoring Program, emphasizing that, since its inception, he envisioned the teacher with a greater commitment to academic development and as a promoter of the personal and professional life project of each student; and that it has been strengthened based on the experiences and recommendations of tutors and students. He explained that, through the approach in tutoring, the values promoted by the UPSLP are fulfilled, in addition to allowing students to learn from their successes and mistakes. He also mentioned that, in the post-pandemic period, with the transition to the face-to-face model, students face new challenges for their adaptation to university life, which undoubtedly require the accompaniment of the tutor. Finally, he urged the teachers to continue with the commitment and interest that characterizes them during the third tutoring contact.

For his part, Dr. Luis Tomás Macías Rodríguez presented the strategy, means and instruments for the third tutoring contact; and Juana Reyna announced the analysis of the results obtained in the tutorial process of the first and second meetings.

As part of the training workshop series for tutors, the mini workshop, “Development of Soft Skills and Their Integration into the New Normal” was given by Ruth Evelin Rodríguez Celia, a psychologist and psychotherapist. The objective of the workshop was to analyze and reflect on the processes of socio-emotional and educational adaptation that students experienced in the transition between the virtual, hybrid and face-to-face model and offer elements to support them in developing the soft skills that are fundamental to their personal and professional development.

After the workshop, recognition was given to the 38 teachers who got certified in the Diploma in Competency-Based Education, which strengthened the performance and contribution of teachers in the teaching-learning process.

At the close of the meeting, Dr. Francisco Rafael Rostro highlighted the importance of reflecting on the challenges faced in the tutorial action, taking into account the elements provided in the mini workshop, and emphasized that communication is a fundamental part of tutoring, since it allows information to be available to support students. He also pointed out that they will be working with the different departments to refine and refocus the didactic planning. Finally, he pointed out that the Tutoring Program has positively impacted the positioning of the UPSLP, due to the excellent work of the faculty, which is reflected in the recognition from the students, who consider it an important part for their holistic formation.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí appreciates the effort, commitment, and interest of teachers to support students in the development of their personal and professional lives!


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