The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí Wins the San Luis Potosí 2021 Quality Plus Award

On Monday, May 30th, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) was awarded the San Luis Potosí 2021 Quality Plus Award given by the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (CANACINTRA), San Luis Potosí Delegation. This award fosters and promotes the establishment of Quality Systems in public and private organizations, thus contributing to the achievement of their goals with greater effectiveness, efficiency and, above all, with great social responsibility.

The prize was presented by the Governor of the State of San Luis Potosí, José Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, to Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP and to Adriana Acevedo Sánchez, Head of the Quality Management System of the UPSLP.

To achieve this distinction, the UPSLP followed an audit process where the correct implementation of the Quality Management System was verified in accordance with the requirements established in the ISO 9001 standard, and according to the following criteria: Customer Satisfaction, Quality Management, Human Capital Management, Continuous Improvement, Organization Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Management and Social Responsibility Management.

It should be noted that the UPSLP received the Plus Quality Award in 2010 and 2016, so obtaining this important recognition again is a sign of the institution’s commitment to quality in all its processes, as established in its philosophy as well as a commitment to safety, health, the environment and social responsibility. For fourteen consecutive years, the UPSLP has had a Quality Management System, which is currently certified in ISO 9001:2015. To date, 34 processes have been certified under this Standard.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí congratulates all its collaborators on their work and commitment to continuous improvement that has led to the winning of the Quality Plus Award!


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