The UPSLP and the IPICYT Sign an Agreement of Collaboration to Carry out Different Modalities of Student and Academic Engagement with the National Supercomputing Center (CNS)

On Tuesday, June 21st, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) and the Potosino Institute for Scientific and Technological Research (IPICYT), through the National Supercomputing Center (CNS), signed an agreement that aims to carry out academic cooperation programs, combine efforts and resources, share knowledge and information to strengthen the related and complementary capacities of both institutions. Another objective of the agreement is to carry out the exchange of knowledge and human capital in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

The work project, in the medium term, involves creating awareness about the activities of the CNS among students in the Departments of Engineering in Information Technologies (ITI) and Engineering in Telematics -Networks and Telecommunications- (ITEM-IRTEL) and having vacancies for the development of Residencies and Internships.

Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP, explained that, since its inception, the UPSLP has had the support of IPICYT, maintaining an important collaborative relationship which opens a very important field of opportunities for the student community and now offers the possibility for more students to join the CNS. He thanked the Director of IPICYT for the opportunity to sign the agreement of collaboration.

For his part, Dr. Luis Antonio Salazar Olivo, Director General of IPICYT said that both institutions are called to have an ongoing collaboration and that IPICYT has the capacity to receive UPSLP students. He reiterated that these ties of collaboration benefit both institutions and contribute to their growth, so it is intended to maintain them for the long term.

Present at the signing of the Agreement were: Dr. Luis Antonio Salazar Olivo, Director General of IPICYT; Juan Carlos Rosas Cabrera, General Coordinator of the CNS; Alejandro Vázquez Bilman, Director of Liaison at IPICYT; Gilberto Arturo Murguía, in charge of the Legal area; María Dolores Chávez, Head of Human Resources of the CNS and Víctor Giulliani Gali Briceño, Project Manager of the CNS and UPSLP alum. On behalf of the UPSLP, Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP; Dr. Francisco Rafael Rostro Contreras, Academic Vice-Rector; Dr. Francisco Cruz Ordaz Salazar, Head of the Department of Engineering in Information Technologies (ITI) and Engineering in Telematics -Networks and Telecommunications- (ITEM-IRTEL); Laura Medina Barboza, Director of Academic Engagement; Rafael Llamas Contreras, research faculty in the ITI Department and Dr. Juan Antonio Cabrera Rico, research faculty of the ITEM-IRTEL Educational Program.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí celebrates the collaboration with IPICYT, which benefits and impacts the training of students and teachers!


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