As part of the 5th International Exhibition of Folklore, Art and Traditions, Organized by the City Council of San Luis Potosí, Conferences on Interculturality were Given at the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí

On Tuesday, October 4th, conferences on interculturality were held at the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) as part of the 5th International Exhibition of Folklore, Art and Traditions, organized by the City Council of San Luis Potosí. It was attended by 19 members of the Hungarian dance ensemble Kecskemét, who shared with students information about their country related to history, culture and traditions in addition to performing three different traditional dances, accompanied by live musicians with instruments, such as double bass, viola and violin.

The folkloric ensemble The Kecskemét was founded in 1976, sponsored by the Hiros Agora Culture and Youth Center. It has been invited to participate in numerous dance festivals in different countries in which it has received awards such as the Special Award of Jury in Istanbul in 2018, in which 27 countries participated with their folk dances. The ensemble was selected for the Folk Art Olympiad, representing Hungary in Bashkortostan, Russia.

The interculturality conferences were attended by 376 students from the Departments of Bachelor of International Marketing, Bachelor of Administration and Management and Engineering in Industrial Systems and Technologies. The objective was to motivate students to practice English and to become interested in knowing new perspectives that will enable them to integrate into companies with an international presence.

It is important to mention that the 5th International Exhibition of Folklore, Art and Traditions was held from October 2nd to 6th in several venues in the capital of San Luis Potosí.


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