The UPSLP Participates in the 10th Annual Meeting of Young Researchers in the State of San Luis Potosí

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí, through the Academy of Sciences, participates every year in the “Meeting of Young Researchers in the State of San Luis Potosí”, which is coordinated by a committee made up of various institutions of higher education and research centers. On this occasion, it was held on November 17th, 24th and December 1st, under the slogan: “The postgraduate degree as a trigger for development”.

The Meeting of Young Researchers in the state of San Luis Potosí is a space where young people have the opportunity to publicize their academic potential through the advances or results of their research projects, including theses, residencies, internships, fellowships, or special research projects in the areas technological development, creativity, and innovation. In addition, activities are carried out to publicize areas of opportunity in science, technology and innovation, increasing the motivation of participants to develop professionally in these areas, thus becoming a key driver for graduate programs. The program strengthens collaboration between institutions of higher education and research centers in San Luis Potosí in the scientific and technological field, creating scenarios that promote strategic alliances that contribute to closing gaps in the different areas of knowledge.

On behalf of the UPSLP, seven students participated: Daniel Omar Alfaro Correa, David Alvarado Ubaldo and Máximo Miguel Hernández Manzano, from the Department of Engineering in Manufacturing Technologies (ITMA); Daniela Alejandra Ortiz Aranda, Devany Alexandra Faz Saldaña and Flor María Arévalo Ramírez, from the Department of Business Administration (LAG); and Karla Fernanda Nieto Ordaz, from the Department of International Marketing (LMI). All of them presented their advances in research from projects that began on the 24th Annual Summer of Science of the Central Region, in residency or projects based at UPSLP. The research areas of these projects were developed according to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Ending Poverty, Zero Hunger, Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduction of inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Production and Consumption, Climate Action, Marine Life, Ecosystems, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and Partnerships to Achieve Goals.

In addition, the UPSLP participated with the Workshop “Service Management with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)” by Dr. Juan Antonio Cabrera Rico, research professor from the Department of Engineering in Telematics – Networks and Telecommunications – (ITEM). Nine faculty members participated as project evaluators: Dr. Francisco Ordaz Salazar, Xóchitl Hernández Velázquez, Dra. Mónica Marcela Zaldívar Muñoz, Dra. Patricia Castillo Galván, Dr. Martín Hernández Sustaita, Guadalupe del Socorro Palmer de los Santos, Dr. María Guadalupe Ortiz López, Dr. Gabriela Flores Rangel and Dr. Oscar Ruiz Cigarrillo.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí congratulates the students and
faculty for their participation in this important event!!


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