UPSLP Students To Hold the XVII International Marketing Forum: “This is Me!”.

Eighth semester students from the Department of International Marketing of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP), will carry out the 17th annual International Marketing Forum, with the name of: “This is Me!”, on April 26th-28th, at the UPSLP facilities.

Today, we all live at a very fast pace. We have a lot of information and communication, and we are exposed to great technological advances. These trends increase the level of complexity to identify and stay on top of what is really important. In this sense, “This is Me!” appeals to each participant to identify their essence, their skills and interests, as well as their passions and, with this, face this world head-on saying: “This is me!”

The XVII Marketing Forum will bring together experts from various disciplines and other specialties who will share their knowledge and experiences in a global environment, being a great opportunity for students, teachers and the general public to expand their knowledge, reinforce their skills and establish networks with other professionals and students in a multidisciplinary environment.

It will be attended by Dr. Jaime Romano Micha, expert in Neuromarketing; Melissa Arria, important influencer specialized in Business Marketing and strategies; and Arturo López Gavito, marketer, music producer, manager, and television critic, former Vice President of Marketing of the Disney Mexico company; among other important speakers. In addition, workshops will be given with a focus on lifelong learning and support for a flow of energy among participants.

This event is an opportunity for learning and updating in the field of Marketing and, at the same time, a platform for the development of new ideas and for collaboration among participants.

The XVII International Marketing Forum and the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí invite all those interested to be part of this unique experience!

For more information, the official networks of the Forum are available:

Instagram: @fmiupslp

Facebook: International Marketing Forum.

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