Student Chapter of Engineering in Information Technology organizes the ITI Experience Event.

As part of the celebration of the Day of the Student, the Student Chapter of the Department of Engineering in Information Technology (ITI), of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP), carried out the first edition of the event “ITI Experience”, on Thursday, May 11th, with the theme of “Know what it means to be an ITI”.

The event began with an exhibition of infographics made by the chapter members, where the different areas and extracurricular activities offered by the ITI Academy for its student community were announced. Subsequently, talks were given to fourth semester students by Rafael Llamas Contreras and Víctor Manuel Fernández Mireles, both professors, in which information was shared about the lines of specialization available to students throughout their career.

Likewise, workshops were given with the aim that the students got to know different areas of specialization that they can obtain when they graduate. For this, we had the participation of faculty from the Department of Information Technology: Liliana Gámez Zavala, with the workshop “Python for beginners”; Dr. Omar Montaño Rivas, with the workshop “Artificial Intelligence”; Víctor Manuel Fernández Mireles, with the workshop “Introduction to Video Game Development”; and Ítalo Delfino Bautista with the Workshop “Introduction to Networks”. In addition, Dr. Jesús Agustín Aboytes, professor from the Department of Science, participated with the workshop “Encryption for beginners”; the student Víctor Hugo Jiménez, with the workshop “GitHub for beginners”; and the Computer Crime Unit (UDI) of the UPSLP with the workshop “Introduction to Computer Security”.

At the end of Thursday, there was a panel discussion with alumi and Dr. Mario Alberto Martínez Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP, who addressed a message to the student community, where he highlighted the importance of the testimony of the alumni, and their perspective of the world of work. It was also attended by Dr. Martha Angélica de la Rosa, Head of the Office of the Academic Vice-Rectory, and Dr. Francisco Cruz Ordaz Salazar, Head of the Department of Information Technology.

The alumni who participated in the panel were: Gerardo Franco Delgado, Sandra Herrera, Diego de la Fuente, Karina Cárdenas, Mario Peñafiel, Sonia Alvarado and Saúl Torres, who shared experiences and challenges they faced in the industry and workplaces as well as advice for future professionals. All highlighted the importance of the different extracurricular activities offered by the ITI Academy and also emphasized the importance of their training at the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí, the certifications in the labor field and the opportunities offered during their studies.

To close the event, on Tuesday, May 16th, the students had a visit to the facilities of the National Supercomputing Center, where they learned about the areas of processing, storage and programming. In addition, they were provided with information about the different opportunities they have to carry out an exchange, internships or dedicate themselves to scientific research through postgraduate and doctoral degrees.

The ITI Student Chapter thanked the attendees for their participation in the different activities of the “ITI Experience”, the ITI Academy and the UPSLP for providing all the facilities to carry out this event.


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