The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí Holds Entrance Exam for the 2023-2024 Academic Year

On Saturday, May 27th, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) carried out the entrance exam for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. Dr. Mario Alberto Martínez Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP, and Dr. Martha Angélica de la Rosa Hernández, Head of the Office of the Academic Vice-Rector, accompanied the teaching and administrative staff who participated in the application day.

At a very early hour, the young people who are about to graduate from the upper secondary level prepared to apply to one of the six degree programs: Telematics Engineering (ITEM), Information Technology Engineering (ITI), Engineering in Manufacturing Technologies (ITMA), Systems Engineering and Industrial Technologies (ISTI), Bachelor’s Degree in International Marketing (LMI) and Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies (LAG).

The application day ended successfully and with the enthusiasm of the applicants who followed up on their admission process and showed interest in continuing their higher education studies in the degree program they selected.

The results will be announced on Sunday, June 11th, through the UPSLP website: where the procedure for registration will also be explained. New students must comply with the guidelines of this procedure and attend the induction course on the dates indicated by the Admission Commission.

The school year will begin on August 7th of this year.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí wishes the greatest success to the applicants!

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