UPSLP Students Participate in the Annual Conference of the Institute for Industrial & Systems Engineers, IISE

Students, Jacqueline García Vaca, María Jacqueline Martínez Pérez, David Omar López Hernández, Jaime Omar Delgadillo del Ángel, Josué Sánchez Portillo, Raúl Gerardo Rosales Pérez and Fernando García Blanco, from the Department of Engineering in Systems and Industrial Technologies (ISTI) of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP), participated in the Annual Conference of the Institute for Industrial & Systems Engineers,  IISE, which took place from May 20th to 23rd, in New Orleans, USA.

This important event brought together leading academic institutions and renowned experts in the field of Industrial and Systems Engineering. UPSLP representatives distinguished themselves in several categories of competition, demonstrating their academic excellence and research skills. In the Undergraduate Student Technical Paper Competition category, Jacqueline García Vaca and David Omar López Hernández demonstrated their dedication and knowledge in the area by obtaining fourth place.

In addition, students Jaime Omar Delgadillo del Ángel, Josué Sánchez Portillo, María Jacqueline Martínez Pérez, Raúl Gerardo Rosales Pérez and Fernando García Blanco participated in other competition categories, such as Human Factors & Ergonomics Track, Performance Excellence Track and Operations Research Track, demonstrating their effort, talent and ability to address relevant challenges.

Notably, the IISE Annual Conference brought together prestigious institutions such as Wichita State University, Clemson University, Louisiana Tech University, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, California Polytechnic University – Pomona, Columbia University and University of Arizona. UPSLP’s participation in this internationally renowned event highlighted its level of excellence and represented a great honor for Mexico.

The event provided a unique platform for students to interact with industry professionals, researchers, and academics from around the world, impacting their professional training. In addition, they had the opportunity to present their research and projects, contributing to the knowledge and progress in the field of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Special recognition is given to Rogelio Portillo Rosales, professor of the ISTI Educational Program, for the support and guidance provided during the preparation of the projects presented. His commitment and leadership were critical to the students’ success at this conference.

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