The Department of International Marketing of the UPSLP Gives the Brand Activation Award 2023

On Monday, June 12th, the Department of International Marketing (LMI) of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) gave out the award of the Brand Activation 2023, thus concluding the activities of the course “CNOI Personal Sale” that second semester students are required to take. In this edition, there was the collaboration of Cooperativa Pascual with the products of Jugos Boing and Lechitas Pascual.

The Brand Activation was held from April 28th to May 14th, and it consists of a sales contest between 16 teams, with a total of 164 students participating. Prior to the start, the teams received training from the company, where they were informed of the sales process, target audience, goal, commissions and support that were granted. Subsequently, the teams began the work of marketing and sales planning, which included the activation of social networks according to their work team, creation of advertising material of the different products to be offered, generation of schedule of activities and proposal of the closing event. All activities were supervised by the professors of the Micro Sales Academy.

The results obtained were a joint sale of 141,975 pieces equivalent to 46,325,484 liters from the application of sales, promotion and distribution activities carried out by the students in a period of 17 days.

The winning teams were:

  • First Place STAR BOING, $138,597.02 cash.
  • Second Place OOZMERKAPPA, $57,748.76 cash.
  • Third Place BOINGAZO, $34,649.25 cash.

Likewise, a special recognition was granted to the team that made the most complete campaign, highlighting the elements of creativity, proper use of resources, activities during the event, impact and capacity of people. The recognition and prize of $15,000 in cash was for the team: JUMPING BOING.


It should be noted that all participating students received recognition for their effort and performance in the activity.

Polytechnic University congratulates the winners and all the International Marketing students for their dedication and commitment in this activity!

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