The Department of International Marketing of the UPSLP Carried out the Pre-graduation Workshop

On Wednesday, October 4th, students from the Department of International Marketing participated in a workshop designed to strengthen their academic and professional capabilities in preparation for their graduation and entry into the world of work.

The central objective of this workshop was to provide students with a platform to express their concerns and needs related to their professional development. The talks addressed crucial issues for their future, highlighting trends in the field of marketing, backed by data from the workplace.

In addition, they had the opportunity to listen to testimonies from alumni who shared their experiences and challenges in their transition to the professional field as well as their degree process. These accounts provided a realistic view of what they will face on their own path to success.

The workshop culminated with a detailed explanation of the exercise to design their academic life projection, oriented towards the degree. This will help students set clear and achievable goals as they move toward graduation.

We thank Xóchitl Hernández Velázquez, Head of the Department of International Marketing: Dr. Francisco Rafael Rostro Contreras, Martin Antonio Arriaga Guerrero and Dr. Mario Cortés Garay, for their commitment and enthusiasm in the delivery of this workshop.

We wish our future marketers success!

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