The Security Committee of the UPSLP Meets with Commanders of the SSPC of the City Council of San Luis Potosí for the Implementation of the University Security Project

Last Thursday, Dr. Fernando Rodrigo Palavicini Piña, Director of Administration and Finance of the UPSLP, met with the members of the Internal Security Committee of our Institution and the Commanders of the Zone, of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of the City Council of San Luis Potosí, to establish the lines of action of the security project, which is aimed at the prevention of crime at the university.

The members of the Committee are Eva María Flores Ríos, Coordinator of the Social Responsibility area; Jorge Barrera Sustaita, Head of Procurement; Francisco Yañez Moreno, Legal and Administrative Affairs; Rafael Llamas Contreras, professor from the Department of Engineering in Information Technologies and Head of the Computer Crime Unit of the UPSLP; and Dr. Gloria Cristina Palos Cerda, professor from the Department of Business Studies.

The objective of the Committee is to facilitate the design and implementation of the security project in order to understand the risks, to the extent possible to prevent them and, where appropriate, to react in a timely manner to emergency situations.

Among the actions that will be implemented are:

  • Inform the student community of the security number where attention and assistance will be given immediately so that concerns can be channeled immediately to the authorities.
  • Have a module that will promote the use of panic buttons and identify some unsafe points that students detect in the surroundings.
  • To walk the streets that students walk during UPSLP dismissal times in order to detect places of danger and, with the help of the authorities, prevent illegal situations.
  • Invite people who pick up students at dismissal time not to park in double or triple rows in order to avoid accidents.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí reiterates its commitment to safeguard the integrity of each and every one of the members of its community.

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