UPSLP Students Participate in the 2nd National Entrepreneur Tournament 2023

Three teams made up of students from the bachelor’s degree in business studies participated in the 2nd National Entrepreneur Tournament 2023 of Marketplace Simulations, which began on October 9.

The inaugural event was attended by Dr. L. Renée Dueñas Salmán, professor from the Department of Business Studies, representing the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí, and who has been the coordinator of the contest at the UPSLP.

The teams were:

Interstellar: Dannia Fernanda Guerra Enríquez, Adrian André García Galarza, Carlos Zepeda Carreón and Dante Samuel Martínez Torres.

Bike Bike: Fátima Janeth Vázquez Sarabia, María Beatriz Bocanegra Espinoza, Brenda Joana Reyna Tavera and Carlos Nava Soriano.

EcoCycle: Lisset Alejandra Huerta Sandoval, Juan Pablo Santoyo Saenz, Idania Edith Hernández López and Oscar Eduardo Tudón Leija

We wish every success to the students who participate in this activity that promotes the development of their managerial skills!

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