The UPSLP Held the Tutorial Video Contest “Learning with the Polytechnic”

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP), through the General Studies Department, carried out the 5th Advising Contest “Learning with the Polytechnic”, under the coordination of Catalina Reyna López and Cintya Elizabeth Mares Martínez. In this activity, first semester students from the different Educational Programs, who are currently studying the subject of General Core I: Critical Thinking, showed their creativity by developing a video tutorial on topics such as: spelling rules, types of thinking, references in APA format, among others.

Like in previous years, the student community participated with enthuasium, having 31 teams registered, from which the 5 semifinalists who met the highest standards of competence specified in the evaluation rubric were selected. LCC participated. Jackeline Fierro Fernandez, ME. Norma Ochoa Ramírez and MAS. Rosely Pat Medina who served as judges to select the three winning tutorial videos. Among the characteristics they took into account for the rating were the quality and stability of the sound, the dynamism and creativity of the presentation, as well as the veracity and up-to-datedness of the information.

The winning tutorial videos were as follows:

The first place was won by the team of the K04D group from the Department of International Marketing, made up of Néstor Omar Almanza Morales, Marietta Montañez Álvarez, Ramón Enrique Parra Rodríguez, Arely Viviana Morales Rodríguez, Karol Fernanda Pedroza Perea, with the tutorial video “How to cite and apply bibliography in APA format in Word.”

Second place went to the tutorial “What is Spelling and Writing?” by the team made up of Danely Hannia Cantú Hernández, Paola Garibay López, Jesús Alejandro González Bustamante, Alejandra Múñoz Sierra and Laura Rebeca Ruiz Amaro from the K04E group from the Department of International Marketing.

Finally, the third place was obtained by the students of the K04C group from the Department of International Marketing: Leslie Danae González, Arlette Hernández, Jessica Ramírez, Noelia Aylin Saavedra and Carol Paulina Sánchez, with the theme “Lateral thinking. How to develop it?”

The recognition for the excellent work in the tutorial video contest was carried out on November 15th with the coordination of the General Studies Department.


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