The UPSLP Participated in the Activities of ADA, a STEM+ Strengthening Program for Adolescent Women

On Friday, November 17th, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP), through the Department of Sciences, participated in the ADA Program, which is organized by the Potosí Council of Science and Technology (COPOCYT). Dr. Martha Angélica De la Rosa Hernández, Academic Vice-Rector of the UPSLP, was present at the opening ceremony.


ADA, STEM+ Strengthening Program for Adolescent Women, aims to foster the interest of high school students in the central region of San Luis Potosí to help them to continue their studies in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as humanities and arts through activities and experiences offered by institutions of higher education, research centers, companies, and cultural centers, in which scientific, technological and innovation knowledge is developed and applied.


The UPSLP carried out several activities, such as the Flexible Manufacturing System Workshop, coordinated by the Department of Engineering in Manufacturing Technologies, and taught by Dr. Ma. Guadalupe Ortiz López. The workshop was held at the AFB (Agro Food & Beverage) Production Systems Laboratory, a part of the Advanced Manufacturing Center, where participants had the opportunity to learn about the operation of modular production systems and interact with automation technologies, such as: electropneumatic systems, electric machines, sensors, and programmable logic controllers.


In addition, a Science Workshop was taught, headed by Irma Georgina Gómez Vega, Sarahí Hernández Juárez, I. Q. Susana Rivera Villalobos, and Fátima Montserrat Loredo García, in which there was an approach to the study of natural phenomena of physics and chemistry using ICT for the analysis of the results. Subsequently, the Communications Workshop “What’s behind a click in the internet browser?” was led by Liliana Gámez Zavala, in which the participants learned about the telecommunications environment through the programming of simulators.


The activities ended with the Cummins Workshop “How did I get here? Being SWEngineer at Cummins”, where a round table was held with Cummins personnel, Maricarmen Escamilla, Project Manager for Latin America, and Yesica Martínez, Customer Engineering Specialist as well as with a panel of researchers, which included the participation of Dr. Patricia Castillo Galván, Dr. Mónica Marcela Zaldívar Muñoz, Dr. Gloria Cristina Palos Cerda, and Dr. Luisa Renée Dueñas Salmán, professors at the UPSLP. Eng. Brenda Lizeth Meza Reyes served as moderator,

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