The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí Holds the Graduation Ceremonies of the 19th Graduating Class 2019 – 2023

On January 17th and 18th, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) held the Graduation Ceremonies of its 19th graduating class at the Teatro de la Paz, in which 837 graduates of the Departments of Telematics Engineering (ITEM), Information Technology Engineering (ITI),  Industrial Systems and Technology Engineering (ISTI), Manufacturing Technology Engineering (ITMA), Bachelor of Administration and Management (LAG), and Bachelor of International Marketing (LMI).


The ceremony was presided over by Francisco Lomelí Isaza, Head of the Educational Liaison Office in the State of San Luis Potosí; Jorge Martín Hernández López, Head of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of the Government of the State of San Luis Potosí, on behalf of Juan Carlos Torres Cedillo, Secretary of Education of the Government of the State of San Luis Potosí; José Antonio Montes Ávila, Director of Economic Planning and Competitiveness of the Secretariat of Economic Development of the State of San Luis Potosí, on behalf of Juan Carlos Valladares Eichelmann, Secretary of Economic Development of the State of San Luis Potosí; C.P. Omar Salvador García Oliveros, Head of the Directorate of the College of Scientific and Technological Studies in the State of San Luis Potosí; Infantry Lieutenant Colonel José Hernández Flores, representing Citizen Brigadier General Héctor Manuel Valles of the Twelfth Military Zone; Dr. Mario Alberto Martínez Rojas, Rector of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí, Dr. Martha Angelica De la Rosa Hernández, Academic Vice-Rector of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí, Dr. Fernando Rodrigo Palavicini Piña, Director of Administration and Finance of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí; and Academic Coordinators of the six Academic Departments of the UPSLP.


In his speech, Dr. Mario Alberto Martínez Rojas highlighted that graduation is an event that is marked by the achievement, dedication, and perseverance of each of the graduates, who constantly strive to get ahead in their professional preparation, proving that determination and effort can overcome any adversity. In addition, it is the beginning of a new phase full of unlimited opportunities and possibilities. He emphasized that the Polytechnic training they acquired is not only based on theoretical knowledge, but also on the practical application of that knowledge, learning to solve problems in an innovative way, to work as a team, and to face real-world challenges. He expressed his confidence that graduates of this class will build the future not only of the state or region, but of a country that needs professionals who transform ideas into reality. Finally, he thanked the parents for believing in the Polytechnic University and, at the same time, recognized their unwavering faith in the abilities of the graduates.

During the ceremony, recognition was given to the graduates who obtained the best average in each academic department. Special recognition was given to Víctor Alejandro Alemán Mendiola, from ITMA’s Educational Program, for having obtained the best average of the class. The graduate, representing the 2019 – 2023 Generation, offered a speech in which he emphasized that the Polytechnic University has proven to be an institution of excellence, thanked all the professors for their dedication and time spent giving their knowledge and experiences, for putting their greatest effort into giving quality classes, which allowed them to realize the great potential that each one has, and for helping them to achieve goals that are above standards. In addition, he thanked the UPSLP for always providing an education focused on the practice and application of knowledge through the use of laboratories from the first semesters, promoting their development through obtaining professional practices in their area. He concluded by wishing that future generations can have the same or better opportunities for development during their stay at the University, as well as extending an invitation to his classmates to follow a path where they are happy. He invited them to never give up if they had a dream and to pursue it until they achieved it.


For his part, Francisco Lomelí Isaza, Head of the Educational Liaison Office in the State of San Luis Potosí, congratulated the graduates on their achievements and dedication that led them to conclude their professional studies. He highlighted the vital role played by the support of families, friends, and teachers, who have been by his side during this journey and who have contributed to his success. He encouraged them to continue to be active members of this community, sharing their experiences, knowledge, and support with future generations of students, recalling that their success is the success of the Polytechnic University and San Luis Potosí. He pointed out the effort and investment that the federal and state governments have allocated to provide the opportunity to access quality education, this being a continuous commitment of the government to higher education.


In his speech, Jorge Martín Hernández López, Head of Higher Education of the Secretary of Education of the Government of the State of San Luis Potosí, on behalf of Juan Carlos Torres Cedillo, Secretary of Education of the State Government, expressed his most sincere congratulations to the graduates. He recognized the work and professionalism of teachers, administrative and managerial staff, and the responsibility of the students of the UPSLP, who have earned the respect and recognition of the society of San Luis Potosí. He urged the graduates to face the changes and challenges that arise today, as well as to have a life and career plan that guides them towards the achievement of their vision of what they want to be, know ,and do in the future. He stressed that the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí has had the mission since its foundation to offer quality educational services that allow relevant professional training, an integral development with a humanistic vision supported by a solid personal ethics, and leadership with commitment to the service of others, with the constant culture of effort. For this reason, it is continuously improving, giving young people the security that with the knowledge, attitudes, and principles acquired they will be able to demonstrate that they have the professional competencies to increase the competitiveness of the productive and service sector.


The ceremony ended with the symbolic delivery of the UPSLP awards to the graduates in an emotional and celebratory atmosphere, in the company of family and friends, as well as teachers and administrators who make up the UPSLP community, who joined the ceremony to accompany them at the beginning of this new stage of their lives.


The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí congratulates and wishes success to the new professionals!

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